ARC Scholarship Competition Postponed

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ARC Scholarship Competition Postponed

Published on April 17, 2020

Due to COVID-19 with such uncertainty and with so many ARC Approved Schools currently not in session, the Art Renewal Center will not be accepting entries to the 2020 ARC Scholarship Competition this May. We know that although there are a number of ARC Approved Schools who have successfully been able to move to an online format or offer other online instruction, many of our smaller schools are not prepared to have their students enter the ARC Scholarship Competition at this time. We feel that a delay in the scholarship competition will result in a more fair competition where all ARC Approved Schools and their students will have the opportunity to participate. We have yet to decide when we will be accepting entries to the 2020 scholarship competition. More information will be announced once we have a clearer picture as to when schools can reopen.

On the other hand, the 15th International ARC Salon Competition is running on schedule. We are currently accepting entries and will continue to do so through August 14th, 2020. To read the prospectus and to enter the International ARC Salon, visit the ARC Salon Entry Pages.

20th ARC Salon Scholarship
Third Place Winner
Mantle by Rohini Sen