Classical Realism Journals and Quarterlies on ARC
Published on March 20, 2020
Created by Richard F. Lack and published by Atelier Lack beginning in 1986, the Classical Realism Quarterly mailed to 400 supporters. By 1992 it was transformed into the Classical Realism Journal published by The American Society of Classical Realism. By the time the CRJ folded in 2003 it had reached thousands of people worldwide. To ensure the knowledge contained within these publications will continue to enlighten generations to come, the rights to reprint the CRQ and CRJ were given to the Art Renewal Center. The ARC is proud to announce that these volumes have now been re-published on the ARC website. We view these as important historical documents pertaining to the founding of the 21st Century Representational Art Movement. To our knowledge these are the first publications dedicated and in support of representational art since the onset of modernism.
To read the journals and quarterlies visit this new section of the ARC website located in the ARChives.