Ivan Aivazovsky - The 200th Anniversary

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Ivan Aivazovsky - The 200th Anniversary

October 11, 2016

This exhibition presents about 100 paintings and 50 graphic works. The best examples of Aivazovsky paintings: seascapes, battle scenes and graphics works will be on display.
The exhibition will display four of the most significant paintings of the artist: The Rainbow (1873), The Black Sea (1881, both from Tretyakov Gallery), and The Ninth Wave (1850), and The Wave (1889, both from State Russian Museum). For the first time, art lovers will see the large format painting On the Shores of the Caucasus (1885, Tretyakov Gallery) that has never been on show before.
The Ninth Wave by Ivan Aivazovsky
The exhibition is already running and ends on November 20, 2016 at the State Tretyakov Gallery - Lavrushinsky Lane, 10, Moscow, Russia, 119017.