Face to Face: The Craniofacial Program Portrait Project

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Face to Face: The Craniofacial Program Portrait Project

January 27, 2014

The project is a partnership between ARC Approved™ Studio Incamminati, School for Contemporary Realist Art; The Craniofacial Program at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Edwin and Fannie Gray Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.
The powerful artwork of Face to Face: The Craniofacial Program Portrait Project, uses the intimate process of portrait painting to help children deal with the psychosocial effects of craniofacial conditions. The exclusive exhibition will take please Feb. 4-15 at the Freeman’s Wayne gallery. An opening event 6 to 8 p.m., Feb. 4 offers opportunities to meet participating artists and the project’s lead psychologist, Dr. David Sarwer.
"Ian" by Joseph Dolderer
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