Daniel Greene and Nelson Shanks in Wall Street Journal

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Daniel Greene and Nelson Shanks in Wall Street Journal

June 5, 2013

Portrait of Jessie
by Daniel Greene
Congratulations to ARC Living Masters™ Daniel Greene and Nelson Shanks for having their work featured in an article in the Wall Street Journal. The article titled Picture, Picture on the Wall: For people who want their portrait painted, they often want to be seen as the fairest of all, by Daniel Grant, illustrates Greene's famous Portrait of Jessie.

"Of course most commissioned portraits aren't of famous and powerful people. They are of family members and destined to hang in private homes. 'The majority are of children, little girls in dresses', says Daniel E. Greene, a portrait artist in North Salem, NY. Sittings are more of a challenge with children he says, because 'It is hard to get them to sit still'. In those cases Mr. Greene might work from a photograph taken on location, though even then, 'you have to chase the child around', to get the picture he says."
The article also mentions ARC Living Master™ Nelson Shanks and quotes him as saying "'A lot of subjects tell me, make me thin, and they try to make a joke of it, but they really mean it,' says Nelson Shanks ($85,000-$350,000 per portrait), an artist who has painted Supreme Court Justices, presidents, and one pope, among others."