Memorial Weekend Print Sale

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Memorial Weekend Print Sale

May 24, 2013

All prints 15% off! Use coupon code arcmem13 for your savings!

All proceeds from purchases at the ARC Store go to maintain ARC's programs and scholarships. The Foundation for the Art Renewal Center®, a 501(c)3) educational foundation was founded in 1999 to present responsible opposing views to the modernist art establishment. The ARC website, has grown to approximately 5,000,000 visitors per year and is a hub for artists, educators, gallery owners, curators and art lovers alike. Support the Art Renewal Center® Scholarship Program with your purchase from the ARC Store and bring art into the lives of the ones you love!
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose
by John Singer Sargent
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Most images in the ARC Museum are also available.
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