Timeless Treasures The Art of Stephen Gjertson now available through ARC

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Timeless Treasures The Art of Stephen Gjertson now available through ARC

March 16, 2010

Timesless Treasures The Art of Stephen Gjertson by Annette LeSueur ARC Living Master™ Stephen Gjertson is one of a group of contemporary representational artists who call themselves "Classical Realists" : Classical because they have a passion for order, beauty and the great art of the past; Realists because they love the visible world and work primarily from life. Trained by Richard Lack at Atelier Lack during the early 70's, Gjertson has spent twenty years creating works that reflect his love of nature and family, and his deeply held religious convictions.With over 50 color plates and numerous b/w studies, this book, itself, is indeed a "treasure". Click here to buy this book.