Ani Art Academies Language of Drawing DVD series

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Ani Art Academies Language of Drawing DVD series

March 2, 2012

A.R.C. is happy to announce the release of the long awaited Ani Art Academies Core Program: Language of Drawing DVD series. For the last 18 months they have been recording each and every exercise from The Waichulis training method to make it available to the general public. The system is designed to develop fundamental representational drawing skills through a particular sequence of exercises.
The Academies’ curriculum focuses on essential fundamentals of draftsmanship, properties of light, elements of perception, and various methods of painting without subscribing to any particular aesthetic. Through a comprehensive series of simple but challenging repetitive exercises, Ani Art Academies’ Apprentices develop the ability to communicate with a vocabulary of confident marks, lines, and values. It is the Artist’s particular employ of this highly adaptable visual vocabulary that will begin to reveal an artistic vision, and ultimately, a unique voice.

To Learn more about this DVD collection and to purchase, please click here.