2010/2011 ARC Salon Catalogues Are Here!

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2010/2011 ARC Salon Catalogues Are Here!

November 10, 2011

The 2010/2011 Salon Catalogues have arrived! The number of finalists is up 16% from last year, which has added a number of additional pages to the catalogue.

In addition, we have given extra pages for the winners, ensuring that each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner was given its own page and Honorable Mentions are limited to two per page. We have also included enlarged details in many cases and enlarged the size of the images overall. The improvements to the quality of the catalogue are significant this year and we know it will be well received.
To order the 7th Annual Competition Catalogue please click here.

As a side note, we have reduced the prices of our older salon catalogues and are offering a special for our 6 year set for the holiday season.

To order the complete 6 catalogue set please click here.