Fine Art Connoisseur E. B. Leighton Article by
ARC Director of Operations

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Fine Art Connoisseur E. B. Leighton Article by <br>ARC Director of Operations

May 27, 2011

Kara Ross, ARC’s Director of Operations, is researching and writing the Catalogue Raisonné on Edmund Blair Leighton.

She has published an article titled Edmund Blair Leighton: The Prominent Outsider in Fine Art Connoisseur’s May/June 2011 edition. This is the first article written on EBL since the 1913 art annual by Alfred Yockney. In addition, Kara has updated all the biographical information on Blair Leighton’s ARC museum page.

If you have information you would like to share with Kara about EBL or his paintings, please contact her at

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