Graphite Figure Drawing with Darren Kingsley
Published on January 24, 2023
The class will begin with short 1 day poses to learn the block in process. This will be followed by a long pose over the course of the class where students will go through the whole process from light-shadow block in, studies and application of anatomy and structure, basic large form studies and into finishing techniques at the end of the class.
Demos will be done at the beginning of class and Darren Kinglsey will be working alongside the class on the long poses as a longer formal demo as well as critiquing at student easels over the course of the night.
The class runs from February 21 - April 11, 2023 at Studio Incamminati, 1901 S. 9th Street, BOK, 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA .
To learn more, please click here.