New ARC Associate Living Master
Published on March 23, 2022
ARC is pleased to welcome Rick Delanty as an Associate Living Master!
Rick Delanty is a Californian by birth and in spirit, finding in his home state a love for nature and wonder of creation which he has continued to explore in his colorful and expressive oil and acrylic landscape paintings.
Rick has practiced his craft professionally for over forty years, painting from Big Sur to Niagara Falls, and teaching and demonstrating in a variety of venues. Delanty's paintings can be found in both museums and private collections. Feature articles concerning his work have appeared in Plein Air and Southwest Art magazines, as well as American Art Collector, and Fine Art Connoisseur. He has also recently written a book entitled "Beauty Unites Us", with foreword by Jean Stern.
To see his gallery on ARC, please click here.
Image shown: String of Pearls by Rick Delanty