14th ARC Salon Exhibition Update

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14th ARC Salon Exhibition Update

Published on May 18, 2020

Due to COVID-19 we are not able to bring the 14th ARC Salon Exhibition live to Sotheby’s NY as planned, but we are instead viewing this as an opportunity to mount a virtual salon exhibition at Sothebys.com with the possibility of reaching an even larger audience!

We are developing new content for this exciting event including a digital catalog, a virtual walk through space of the show, videos and an interview with ARC Chairman, Fred Ross and chief organizer of the ARC Salon Competition and Exhibition, ARC Co-Chair / COO Kara Lysandra Ross.

In addition, we will be incorporating the scheduled “The Art & Beauty Behind Fashion” event where Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD) designers have created amazing original couture outfits and looks inspired by the works of art from the ARC Salon. The eight ARC Salon winning works along with the specially designed garments will be featured as part of this virtual event. Visitors to the Virtual ARC Salon will have the opportunity to "vote" for their favorite piece and pairing. The winner will be announced at the major FWSD fall runway shows this October in California where the eight looks with live models and salon works will be incorporated.

The Virtual ARC Salon Exhibition dates are July 13 – July 31, 2020. Click on any of the Virtual ARC Salon Exhibition banners on the ARC website www.artrenewal.org during this time to view the virtual show at Sothebys.com.