Claudia Post

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Claudia Post

United States

Claudia Post, a professional Fine Artist for over 55 years, a Master Pastelist, Signature Member of the American Women Artist, elected member of the Salmagundi Club, American Artists Professional League, Academic Artists Association, Connecticut Society of Portrait Artists, Connecticut Pastel Society, Elected Member of Lyme Art Association, Connecticut Women Artists etc. As an artist emotional empathy with people and other subjects is the essence of my work. I have completed hundreds of portrait commissions and fine art paintings, worked as demonstrator, juror, judge, and currently conducts a Studio Atelier for the gifted.

Education: I received a Scholarship at the New York Phoenix School of Design in NYC as a teenager

I studied at The Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles, CA

Studied with Frank Covino, Portraiture in Fairfield, Ct

Daniel Greene, NA, PSA oil and pastel painting/portraiture for 2 years.

Studied with Herman Marguiles, PSA pastel painting, Washington, Ct.

Richard Clive, PSA, pastel painting, Rockport, MA

Albert Handell, PSA pastel painting, Sante Fe, NM

Teaching: Decades of teaching art in a traditional classical manner and specializing in pastel and pastel portrait instruction. Currently conducting an Atelier for the Gifted, teen and adults, a mentoring program for preparation for the life of a professional artist.

I have won many awards in national and international Juried Exhibitions, have conducted and developed teaching, workshop and Atelier Programs. Currently working with the Sage Art Community in Sheridan Wyoming in developing annual art workshops with a variety of chosen Artists to encourage art education and artists in the location.

Will be part of a chosen group of Artists Exhibition at the Brinton Art Museum in Big Horn Wyoming in 2010

Currently accepted in the American Women Artists 2019 Steamboat Art Museum Looking West Exhibition and the 34TH IAPS Juried Exhibition The Master’s Circle in New Mexico.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.