Dhwani Parekh

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Dhwani Parekh

United States



Dhwani Parekh (b. 1990) is a free-thinking, hard-working oil painter with a special passion for realism and a hint of contemporary style. Nature is her greatest muse. Her previous works have included natural phenomenon ranging from waterfalls and lily-ponds to lotuses and various landscapes. This paved her way to still lifes, portraits, and most recently figurative paintings. She also accepts portrait commissions. Specializing in oils, acrylics, and pencil; she primarily paints in a representational and realistic style. Born and raised in Mumbai, India, Dhwani showed an inclination towards art at an early age. Doodling and learning to write the alphabet went hand in hand. Her parents supported and fueled this artistic passion, which eventually led her to earn a degree in fine art painting, and pursue a career in art.

Growing up in an urban setting, national parks were her favorite holiday pastime spots where she sketched and painted her early works. She is always learning from other artists, and among her most influential teachers are Rembrandt, John Singer Sargent, Richard Schmidt, and Jeremy Lipking. She began painting at the age of 14 and started pursuing it professionally by the time she was 17. She spent 5 years studying classical painting at the L.S. Raheja School of Art in Mumbai between 2006 and 2010. At the age of 18, she began participating in solo gallery exhibitions in several galleries in India and has won many awards and accolades. She has painted commissioned works all over India and abroad.

Dhwani is a well-known artist in Mumbai and is now exploring the US art world. She moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2015. She is being represented by John C. Doyle Art Gallery (Charleston Gallery Association) in Charleston, South Carolina. Her latest accomplishment was being featured in International Artists Magazine, People and Figures, Aug-Sept issue. Her paintings have been exhibited at the Allied Artists’ of America Annual Exhibition, Oil Painters of America Salon Show and Allied Artists’ of America Online Associates Show 2018. Her work was featured in “Editor’s Choice” Southwest Art Magazine, May issue 2018. She was chosen and promoted in the 2017 Edition of the 21-Under-31 featured artists in  Southwest Art magazine. She was also featured in the Informed Collector's Special "Noteworthy Artists" 2017 article. She is very active in the local art community and was awarded the first prize at the 2015 Sunnyvale Art Club monthly competition. In the Spring of 2017, she exhibited at the Bella Muse Art Gallery in Utah for their Spring Floral Show. Dhwani finds her art faculties to be ever-evolving with time and remains a steadfast student of fine art painting.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.