I live in Saint-Petersburg Russia, where I grew up, but I was born in the ancient town of Cesis in Soviet Latvia, 2 years before the collapse of USSR. I always loved to draw but never took it seriously, because my family convinced me that there is no point to aspire it as a profession, as I wouldn't make a living out of it. Just like so many young people before me I blindly trusted the judgement of my parents and got the profession, they wanted me to. It turns out their choice was not the best one as it couldn’t bring me nor money nor happiness. I've constantly had the feeling that I was wasting my life. Two years ago, I decided that I postponed my vocation way too long and went to a local art school. My teachers gave me some theoretical knowledge, but specially they showed me where to look to inspire and guide my artist instincts. Now I’m a full-time artist, curious, self-motivated, restless and driven to take my artist career further, one painting at a time.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.