Frederieke Westerveld
I took a few detours and had to move some mountains, before I got where I am today:
Born in the Netherlands in 1983, I thought a career in health care or education would be a noble thing to pursue. Instead, I ended up in art school. After five years of learning how to use a computer and graduating in game design, I became fascinated with the traditional arts. I’m sick, unfit for work, and yet… I want to have a career .
Most of the day I need to rest, but I’ve learned that by living a strict, disciplined life, I’m able to squeeze in an hour or two that I can use to do something else. Every second of those hours is spend working with clay. And although I don’t have a degree to show for it – as I never took any sculpting classes – I’m able to mold an cast the pieces myself.
My work tends to fall into the realm of magical realism. I like telling stories, and I have a thing for contrasting emotions. Whatever the subject though, all my sculptures are about the motivations behind the choices we make. If that topic doesn’t give me a lifetime of inspiration, I don’t know what does. And I was told by the Internet School of Art Business (I totally made that up just now), you should always plan ahead.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.