From the time immemorial people have always admired nature. They expressed their love, portraying the world in various mosaics, bas-reliefs and paintings. Many great artists have devoted his talent to painting landscapes. Paintings, which we see forests, rivers, fields, ferns, flowers is truly fascinating. Is respected work in which so detailed, colorful and emotionally transferred the beauty and power of the world around us. Love to the native nature permeated all my work.
Alexey Anikin was born on 29 Mar 1968 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. First painting lessons received at the local art school. In 1987 he graduated from the Suzdal art restoration school. Predominant was the interest in the Russian landscape. Impressions of a childhood spent in the village, determined the nature of future works and gave me unceasing love for Russian forest. Deeply engraved in the consciousness and beauty of a pine forest near Aleshino (native villages) and twilight forest. It really is the source of my creative impulse. I. I. Shishkin said that "nature is supposed to look in all its simplicity – the drawing must follow it in every Caprice of form." So I carefully observe the shape of intricately intertwined branches of trees, moss-covered stumps, velvety and prickly pine needles, noisy green foliage. However, I don't just copy, "pictures" the image of nature I'm more of a poet – calm, observant, searching. After all, the poetry of landscapes – the poetry of nature, opening in contact with her person.
Most of the work is written in "walking distance"; it is the forest that surrounds their home town, the groves and swamps near the village where he spent his childhood years and where I love to come back again and again, drawing inspiration from constantly opening the eye of new long-familiar details of protected places.
Very rare in my paintings images of people. In my work I communicate with nature, and if occasional lonely figure, she gives the picture intimacy, intimacy.
Love to write village. Old cozy houses, churches, luxuriantly overgrown with nettles fences.
All my creativity I try to pass "multum in parvo" - the unique beauty of the nature of the Central Russian strip. That all can easily see by yourself, but do not notice the bustle of traveling days. I'm happy when the viewer stops in front of the painting, feeling a desire to stop and take in a state that words cannot Express, the charm of Russian nature.
Since 1991, taking part in exhibitions in Europe, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk. My works are in private collections, offices, banks of Russia, USA, England, Israel, Canada, Italy, Germany.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.