Nastasya's interest in art emerged in her childhood when she went to the art school of her hometown in the South of Russia. Is right there that the dream to achieve the skill of the great artists of the past started up. For that reason Nastasya went to the Ermitage and spent many hours staring at the pictures of Titian, Paolo Veronese, Josè de Ribera, Francisco de Zurbaràn, El Greco and other,the works of which later she copied. She's inscibed and studied in the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculture and Architeture of Moscow, where she perfected her skills in painting and drawing, her desires droved her in Italy, the homeland of the greate masters of the past. When she arrived in Italy she started studing the original masterpieces in the Vatican Museums she had the opportunity to draw from the originals.
The paintings of Nastasya, in addition to the perfect technique, sincerely reflect the real world around, but her painting are not simple realism, they transmit the impression of what she has seen and experienced. Her paintings evoke a sense of serenity and inexplicable poetry. The appreciators of Nastasya's works often relate that her works resemble the italian painting of the late XIX century and induce to think of A.Mancini, de Nittis, Tommasi etc. In fact her painting are very influenced by those masters, but the complativitive atmosphere of her painting in particular she took from James Whistler and Jan Mankes.
The skill of Nastasya has been appreciated by her contemporaries so her paintings are published in the Encyclopedia of Russian Academy of Painting, Sculture and Architeture of Moscow, she became an assistent of the Academy of Fine Art of Rome where she studied and received a special attention by italian critics in the National Gallery of Gaeta, her drawings have become part of the permanent collection of the Vatican Museums. Nastasya has won international competitions, her artworks belong to private and corporotive collections in Russia and Europe.
Currently she is a teacher at the Academy of Figurative Art in Rome.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.