Robert Murray II

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Robert Murray II

United States

  • Robert C. Murray II was born in the U.S.A., since he was three years old he has carried some brushes in his hands that have been his loyal companions during his free time. Painting represents his life, his experience consists in more than 160 exhibitions, most of them individually. In most of them he likes to paint in the exhibit room during the event to show people that his paintings are not copies but original pieces of art. He has made exhibitions in his own country, Spain and currently in Mexico.
  • Nature is the main topic in Robert´s paintings, with his fresh landscapes, clean and healthy. The colors and shapes of different kinds of flowers are perfectly represented by himself. He manifests that there is no need to paint something else, being in nature beautiful pieces of art.
  • Besides this, he likes to present to his audience pieces that can refresh people´s sight, but overall something that can help them to rest from daily life, staring at all the beauty that surrounds us.
  • The water movement found in rivers, waterfalls and lakes, is one of Robert´s favorite parts included in his paintings. When he paints animals it´s because he feels alive, and in his life he finds the inspiration to paint them. Flowers, plants and cacti are painted like if they were near in order to be able to appreciate their perfect details and characteristics.
  • Robert thinks that his paintings can be compatible in any environment or context, he expresses in his own words “I do not paint, rather I dance with brushes, converting the ordinary in extraordinary”

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.