Gabriel Mills

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Gabriel Mills

United States


Gabriel is best known for his versatility in creating spiritually charged works that explore his
roots, his journey, and the constructs of divinity. He explores the spiritual nature of things and approaches this through a synthesis of multiple philosophies. What comes of this is a mix of the antique, modernity, and thus gives us a visual to his imaginative space.

Gabriel believes in the exploration and says the representational approach to the world, is there as an access point to look deeper at what we believe we know, and be empathetic, or apathetic to what we are visualizing. It is an emotional experience to be present with the world around us, and beyond what our eyes can see.

Gabriel lives and works in New York, he will continue his studies at the Yale School Of Art, pursuing his M.F.A starting fall 2019. His undergraduate studies were at Hartford Art School, 2015, BFA Illustration, Art History. He frequently continued his education through classes and workshops after undergraduate at The Art Students League of NY, New York Academy Of Art, and Grand Central Atelier. 


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.