The artist, Riley Doyle (b. 1990) was born and raised in Colorado. He was exposed to art very early on by his mother, an artist and high school art teacher. He has been drawing and image making from the age of 10. He spent most of his high school days either in the photography dark room, or the computer lab working with photoshop and illustrator. Both played an important role in developing his interest in composition. In college, he began training his hand and eye to gain more independence in image making. He attended Metropolitan State University of Denver for printmaking from 2011 - 2014, where he was able to reach further back into traditional printmaking techniques. In 2013, Riley attended a two week workshop in Santa Fe NM, at Anthony Ryder’s studio. It was a catalyst for his technical training in observation and traditional drawing and painting media. In 2014 he moved to Seattle, WA to attend Georgetown Atelier. He finished the classical 3 year program in 2 years. In the Summer of 2016 he attended the Hudson River Fellowship. In 2017 he was awarded the Stobart Foundation Grant, which helped him to produce his first group of large scale, multifigurative landscape compositions. His current work draws from both his figurative training as well as his plein air practice. Riley is based in Seattle, WA
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.