Doug Webb

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Doug Webb

United States

Born in Istanbul, Turkey, 1946, Doug Webb is an American, self taught  surrealist painter. He honed much of his early technique from other artists while working alongside them in a factory producing multiple paintings for furniture store show rooms back in the early 1970’s.  Shortly after that he worked free lance for architects and designers  while beginning his career showing in galleries. He has had solo exhibitions at Galerie Yves Arman, Molly Barnes, Louis K. Meisel, Bernarducci Meisel, and the Carnegie Museum and has shown in galleries  including The Zhou B Art Center, Chicago, for the Visions of Venus curated by art collector Dr. Elaine Schmidt, and museums throughout the US and abroad including Paris,  Spain, Shanghai, and Tokyo. He is currently participating in the  exclusive online exhibition on Artsy titled “Adorn Me”, curated by Carol Hodes for PoetsArtists  through the ZHou B Art Center, Chicago, and will soon be participating in the exhibition titled, Secondary Meanings/Figural Diptychs, curated by Steven Alan Bennett and Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt at the ZHou B Art Center, and Artsy, and the exhibition titled 20Years, in 20x20, by Galeria Artelibre  at the Bantierra, Zaragoza, and MEAM, Barcelona, Spain. His

work has been published in PoetsArtists , New American  Paintings, American Art Collector, Juxtapoz (Cover), Art and  Freedom/Galerie Arte Libre, and Mad Magazine (Cover). His paintings are  also in the collection of the White House, Smithsonian Institute,  University Club of DC, Forbes, Weisman, and Eileen S. Kaminsky Family  Foundation. He has also received a 1st place gold medal in the  International Art Competition, during the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles,  and finalist for the 13th Annual ARC competition. He currently works and resides in Calabasas, California.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.