Viktoria Savenkova

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Viktoria Savenkova


Viktoria Savenkova b.1979 based in Belarus. Gratuated from art college with honor in 1998 (Painting) and Academy of Art (Design) in 2003, Minsk,Belarus. In 2014 she went back to figurative painting working primarily in large formats.

Finalist of the next competitions: 11 Arte Laguna Prize 16.17,  Modportrait 2016, Modportrait 2018, 13 International ARC Salon 17.18.

Viktoria has participated in international group exhibitions at: Arsenal, Venice (Arte Laguna Prize 2017); Abend Gallery, Denver (Annual Holiday Show 2018); RGD Gallery, New York (Woman Painting Woman 2018); New York (Single Fare 4, 2017); Pablo Serano museum in Zaragoza and MEAM Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona, Spain (Modportrait 2016); 'Zhou B' Art Center, Chicago (Chronicles of a Future Foretold 2018).

Recent exhibition ‘Painting Today / Pintando Hoy’ celebrating International Women's Day, curated by Didi Menendez, at the Museum of Modern Art MEAM in Barcelona, Spain (2019)

Artist’s works were featured in PoetsArtists publications and online exclusives on Artsy and Artnet 

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.