Sandra Corpora

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Sandra Corpora

United States

Sandra Corpora OPA


                    "My paintings attempt to capture the essence of a place and time and the beauty I see around me. The way the light falls to create a pattern of values and colors is often the thing that inspires. It can be a person’s face, objects in a still life or the landscape softened by atmosphere, inspiration is everywhere."

          From an early age, Sandra Corpora demonstrated exceptional ability at drawing and painting. She has a BFA in Painting from Kutztown University, receiving the prize for top fine art graduate. Sandra has studied in workshops with Nelson Shanks, John Osborne, T.M. Nicolas, Kenn Backhaus and Scott Jennings. She paints primarily from life in the studio and outdoors on location. She is inspired to constantly improve her skills as a painter in all subjects, figurative, still life and landscape. Sandra Corpora is a signature member of Oil Painters of America where she won an Award of  Excellence. She’s also a member of the American Impressionist Society, American Women Artists, and the Portrait Painters of America where she was a finalist in the Members Competition. She also teaches and conducts workshops. Her work is in private and public collections in Italy, Canada, Norway, and the US. She is represented by Gross McCleaf Gallery in Philadelphia.


2018      The Artist Magazine Annual Art Competition, Third Place Award for Animal/Wildlife

2018      Art Muse Contest August, Master Class Winner

2018      Plein Air Salon June/July, 2nd Place Overall and Best Animals & Birds, Plein Air Magazine

2018      American Impressionist Society National Juried Exhibition, Peninsula School of Art, Fish Creek, WI

2018      American Women Artists at the Haggin Museum Juried Exhibition, Stockton, CA, Award of Excellence

2018      FASO Fav 15% for February, April, May, June, August 

2018      NOAPS Best of America Small Painting National Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee

2017      Lehigh Art Alliance Fall Juried Exhibition, Best in Show

2017      FASO Fav 15% for March, July (two selected), December

2016      Art Renewal Center 12th International Finalist

2016      OPA Salon Show Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils, Fort Wayne, Indiana

2016      FASO Fav 15%  March 2016, September 2016, 

2016      Solo Exhibition "New Dutch Landscapes" Charter School for the Arts, Bethlehem, PA

2016      Oil Painters of America National Exhibition, Dallas, TX

2016     Solo Exhibition "Sandra Corpora: Journeys" State Theatre for the Arts, Easton, PA

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.