Nik Anikis Skušek

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Nik Anikis Skušek


The figurative art of Nik Anikis is expressing thoughts and emotions about spiritual battles and contrasts inside of us. He is inspired by technical perfection and subtle expressions of the beauty of a human body, which with its poetry reveals great spectre of emotions and truths.

He finished two Academies of Fine Art, one in Ljubljana with Master’s degree in painting 2012-2016 and the second in Florence, Italy, Angel Academy of Art, under the mentorship of Maestro Michael John Angel 2014-2016. Before moving to Holland, where he worked as a principal teacher on Classic Art Atelier, he was a teacher at the Angel Academy of Art. During his Academic period in Ljubljana, he finished a Spring term of SmArt Art School, under the mentorship of Donato Giancola in 2014 and he travelled to Bologna to study on Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna in 2011.

He had 6 solo Exhibitions in Slovenia the most known are ‘Mystery of Beauty’ in Gallery Kos in Ljubljana 2019, ‘Deep roots, juicy fruit’ 2016 and ‘Ascent of new classical art’ 2014 on Castle of Sevnica.

He took part of more than 29 different group exhibitions like ARC Salon exhibition in MEAM, Barcelona and 12th International ARC Salon Live Exhibition in Salmagundi Club, New York, 2017, 100x Madonna with Art Cacher in London, 2016, Dieci Occhi, Ten eyes, Gallery Herman Pečarič, Piran, Slovenia 2015, Sei occhi, Six eyes, Manziolijeva palace and Gallery Insula, Izola, Slovenia 2015, “Mladi umetniki in dobrodelnost”, ZKPSA Signum Artisma, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2013, TRANSFORM 2012, Solun, Greece 2012 to name a few.

In his career he received many rewards like an Honourable Mention for the painting ''I Am my Word’’ on 12th International Salon Competition Art Renewal Center 2016, category Still Life. In 2018 he received the International Prize - Raffaello Art Reward in Bologna, Italy, with the painting ''Reawakening of Humanity.'' The same painting received the International Prize of Nations tribute to Tiziano in Venice, Italy. He won 5 times the title award of the Finalist on ARC Salon Competitions In 2013 BTC in Ljubljana bought the painting Flemish Rose as a reward on a group exhibition ZKPSA Signum Artisima. In 2013 he also won the 1st award on a competition Mladi Youngle talenti, Listen to the Youngle.

Now, he works and lives in Slovenia.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.