Bingyang Bai
Bingyang Bai
The member of China Artists Association (CAAN)
Born in Laiwu, Shandong Province in 1988, now working in Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts
StudioⅠin the Department of Oil Painting of Central Academy of Fine Arts,
received Bachelor degree
Chinese National Academy of Arts,
received Master degree in oil painting language,
the research direction is the expression of oil painting art language,
Ph. D. in Central Academy of Fine Arts,
the research direction is contemporary oil painting
The Works of Bingyang Bai have been selected for the 12thChinese National Art Exhibition, the 11th Chinese National Art Exhibition, the 6thChinese National Youth Art Exhibition, the 4th Chinese National Youth Art Exhibition and the 6th Beijing International Art Biennale, and have been collected by the Chinese Art Museum, the Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Chinese National Academy of Sciences, the National Theatre of China, the Chinese Oil Painting Academy and other institutions.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.