Glenda Gleave

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Glenda Gleave

United States

Glenda Gleave  Bio,Credentials, Awards and Recognition

From childhood, art has always been a natural part of Glenda’s life. But she didn’t officially step into the world of professional art until 2005 when she won 1st place in the BYU Freedom Festival with her very first historical painting of a direct ancestor from the revolutionary war era. The painting entitled ‘Patriot Dreams’ was later purchased by the curator of the Oriskany Battlefield Museum in New York and now hangs permanently in Fort Stanwick.  Since then, she has developed her natural abilities by formal training from the best recognized portrait and figurative artists in America which include;
                William Whitaker
                Morgan Weistling
                Dan Gerhardt
                Daniel Greene
                Robert Liberace
                Casey Childs
                David Lleffel
                Jeff Hein
                Kamille Corry

Her list of her awards include;

1st Place BYU Freedom Festival
Utah State Fair Professional division 2005 1st place ‘Patriot Dreams’
Sandy City Art Competition 2006 -  People’s Choice  ‘Elizabeth’
State Fair Professional division 2006 1st place ‘Time Out’
Utah State Fair Professional division 2007 1st place ‘Raspberry Girl’
Utah State Fair Professional division 2008 1st place ‘Tuesday’s Child’
Sandy City Art Competition 2008 – Best of Show ‘Tuesday’s Child’
Sandy City Art Competition 2009 -  1st Place ‘Time Out’
Legacy Gallery in Scottsdale International Small Works Show 2013 (sold by draw) ‘Her Vigil’
Greenhouse Gallery International Competition 2013 – Jurors top 50 Award ‘Time Out’    Utah                                          Springville Art Museum-Spiritual and Religious show 2014 Honorable Mention ‘Blessed among Women’
Springville Art Museum-Spiritual and Religions show 2015  2nd Place ‘Vessels of the Lord’
ARC International Competition, finalist 2014 ‘Tell Me the Stories of Jesus’
ARC International Competition, finalist 2015 ‘Vessels of the Lord’
Featured Guest Artist for Sandy City Art Competition 2015
The LDS Church purchased ‘Blessed among Women’ for the LDS Temple in Paris
Juried into the LDS Church International Art competition and displayed in the newly  remodeled Church
Art Museum in October 2016
Best of Show and People’s Choice Award in the Sandy City All State Art competition 2018

Recognized Portrait Artist and Utah’s former Ambassador for Portrait Society of America
Teaches figurative art and portraiture privately as well as conducts workshops.

Glenda has numerous professional portrait commissions to her credit. And there is a ‘Portrait’s’ section on her website of past commissioned works.
This past year she has been working to complete five major commissions, including the portrait of President Holland, outgoing president of Utah Valley University

She has been Published in

‘Art Journal, Best of Figurative Art’ in 2014
ARC International Finalists Catalog 2014
ARC International Finalists Catalog 2015

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.