The nude as an art form has always resonated with Lisa. At a young age, her first life drawing of a dancer was purchased by an art collector.
Throughout her post secondary education at Temple University's Tyler School of Art and later at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Lisa continued to draw the nude model regularly.
After receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, she continued to develop her visual communication skills as a professional commercial artist for eighteen years while leading and choreographing ZUMBA® dance classes for nine years which has enriched her artistic anatomy knowledge and expressive design of human form.
She studied figure drawing, painting and sculpture with Philippe Faraut, Glen Vilppu, and more recently with Anthony Ryder, Scott Waddell and Douglas Flynt.
Her figure drawing, Callisto, and figure painting, Capella, were recently exhibited (17feb2019-02mar2019) in the Women Artists Group Show at Dacia Gallery in New York City.
Lisa's figure painting, Capella, will be exhibited (26apr2019-04may2019) at the TRAX Visual Art Center in Lake City, South Carolina for the 2019 Artfield's Exhibition and will be competing along with 400 artworks for $145,000 in awards.
Presently, Lisa is painting the figure full-time in her contemporary Florida studio, evoking a creative synthesis of the dignity yet vulnerability of the nude human form, keeping Lisa at the easel.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.