Mihail Dinisiuc

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Mihail Dinisiuc


Mihail Dinisiuc was born in Moldova, in 1989. He undertook his studies at the Academic Lyceum of Fine Arts "Igor Vieru", in Chisinau (2003-2009). The study of human figures conducted in that time had an impact on his technical as well as artistical training. During the same period, he participated in various collective exhibits. The following exhibits are some instances: Show Method in Constantin Brincusi Art Gallery, Chisinau (Moldova), 2007; Fire at the International Airport of Chisinau (Moldova), 2008; Show Methodat the Academic Lyceum of Fine Arts "Igor Vieru", Chișinău (Moldova), 2008; Show Methodat Nisifo rGhibu National Library, Chișinău (Moldova), 2009. Furthermore, Mihail participated in some contests where he received mentions for his artistry: Delphi Games, Russia, 2009; My City, Moldova, 2009; Firefighters, Poland, 2007; Me and My Best Friend, Russia, 2007. After his high school diploma in Art, he has been awarded a diploma in Painting at the Academy of Theater Music and Plastic Arts, Chișinău (Moldova), where he did a fresco for this institution. Mihail had the privilege to be taught by an important Moldavian artist like Iurie Matei. Thanks to Matei, Mihail has become interested in surrealism and symbolism. As a result, this has left a mark on his artistic research. In 2014 he decided to move to Italy to continue his studies. He chose the capital, where he enrolled in the two-year course in Graphic Art at the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome. Here he obtained scholarship, and for three years he had been helping by providing technical support within the courses: Engraving Techniques and Experimental Copperplate Engraving Techniques, taught by Ferdinando Fedele, Paolo Laudisa and Sandro Cassola. From 2015 to 2018 he participated in different group exhibits, among which: Myths and Legends, organized by Michele von Buren in RvB Arts Gallery, Rome, 2018; Art and Homosexuality, by Vittorio Sgarbi, in San Salvatore in Lauro Museums, Rome (It); Limes: cultural boundaries at the end of a world, by Media Valle del Liri Musuem, Sora (IT), 2018; A stone's throw from the Moon, by Simona Gatto, in Crazy March Gallery, Sutri (It), 2018; Night - Tiny Biennale, by Susan Moore, at Temple University, Rome, 2018. In the context of the National Parkinson's Day, Mihail donated one of his paintings to IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, and participated in the collective exhibit titled Mutation, set up by Gian Luigi Cappelletti and Andrea Lelario at the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome; Xylography without borders 2, by Marina Bindella, in Porta Latina Gallery, Rome, 2016; Runaway, Lanificio, Rome, 2016. As part of these exhibits, Simona Gatto, Robertomaria Siena, Marina Bindella, and Michele vol Buren wrote about Mihail.
In 2018 he obtained a master's degree, writing a dissertation titled “Through Nude”, under the supervision of Professor Ferdinando Fedele.
After graduation he got into the finals of several competitions: Premio Catel, Rome (It), 2018; Fibrenus Award Carnello cArte ad arte, Sora (It), 2018.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.