Mary Chiaramonte

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Mary Chiaramonte

United States

Born in West Virginia in 1979, Mary Chiaramonte is a figurative realist painter living and working in Richmond, Virginia. Chiaramonte received her Master of Fine Arts degree in painting and art history from Radford University, graduating in 2010 summa cum laude and being awarded the best graduate thesis. Her paintings have been exhibited at Principle Gallery, RJD Gallery, Abend Gallery, Taubman Museum of Art, Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art and Zhou B Art Center. Chiaramonte has been awarded by the Portrait Society of America (2016, 2018) and the International ARC Salon competition (2018). Her paintings have been published by American Art Collector, Fine Art Connoisseur, American Artist Magazine, PoetsArtists Magazine and the New York Times.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.