Sigridur Huld Ingvarsdottir

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Sigridur Huld Ingvarsdottir


Sigríður Huld Ingvarsdóttir originates from the northern part of Iceland, where she grew up on a sheep farm. Her work is highly influenced by her past, the Icelandic nature, the myths, the Icelandic horse, and sheep.

For the past years she has focused on painting portraits, horses and other animals. Her artwork portrays strong women using the Icelandic landscape, animals and the Nordic cold light and solitude, to create a mythical environment.

She studied fine art in Iceland and after graduating she didn't feel like she could draw or paint with the skills she wanted. In 2012 she was accepted in The Swedish Academy of Realist Art (SARA) in Stockholm Sweden to study the classical way of drawing and painting. There she finally started to learn the skills she needed to create the art she desired.

After graduation in 2015 she has worked on developing her art, her focus is on drawing and painting where working from life is extremely important to capture what the eyes truly see. She also uses photographs, especially when working on commissions of horses.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.