Carolina Landea

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Carolina Landea


Carolina Landea was born in Santiago de Chile, she spend a part of her youth in Spain, where she started to paint. She belongs to a family of artist, her grandfather was one of the most famous chilean painter
Carolina’s exhibitions:
-1985 Universidad de la Serena Chile
-1986 Galería Espaciocal, Chile
-1989 Municipalidad de Zapallar, Chile
-1991 Galería arte actual, Chile
-1995 Galería arte actual, Chile
-1997 Montserrat Gallery, New York
-2001 Galería de arte Isabel Aninat,Chile
-2004 Intimos “Galería Artespacio”, Chile
-2007 Bali/Cachagua Galería Artespacio, Chile
-2009 Galería Isabel Aninat, Chile
-2011 Galería Isabel Aninat,Chile
-2014 Galería Ana María Estagno, Chile
-First place in “ Exposición los Pájaros”
-1994 “Muestra de Pintores Chilenos” Convention Center Miami

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.