I was born in Moscow, Russia and immigrated to the United States as a child. I am fortunate to have parents who supported my desire to create, and art has been an important part of my life from an early age. I cannot remember a time when I was not drawing and painting, and I took many private art lessons throughout my adolescent years. After receiving a Masters in Art History, focusing on 17th century Dutch/Flemish art, I was inspired to resume painting and began pursuing a career as a professional painter. I have been included in magazine articles and placed in a number of art competitions. In addition, my works have sold to private collections in the United States and abroad, with few of my paintings purchased for permanent collections of galleries. I currently live with my husband and two young sons in New York City.
I believe in the positive energy that art can project, for the viewer to feel the serenity and beauty of my subject matter, to smell the sweet essence of my flowers. My paintings are highly detailed, saturated in color, and minimalistic. They convey a sense of stillness, as if time is suspended within the painting. They are also deeply personal and reflect my overall nature. What I hope the viewer takes away from my paintings is a sense of the beauty of nature and a feeling of serenity. I wish for my art to be pleasant and enriching. A calming and beautiful distraction from the world around us.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.