Throughout my life I have been a keen observer of beauty in all forms... in painting , nature, interior design and music. I began studying art in the mid nineties taking classes locally with various instructors in different art forms ...watercolor, oil, encaustic, monoprinting, as well as studying elements of decorative arts at a school in Toronto , Canada . I went on to become a decorative artist but was always searching for more.
I had a wonderful opportunity to study with Robert Kulicke in NYC, an Incredible American artist and wonderful painter of small intimate still lifes as well as a noted picture framer . This once in a lifetime experience led me to a more serious and academic pursuit . It was therefore in 2004 that I began my studies as a part time student at the Academy of Realist Art under the instruction of Fernando Freitas, an amazing instructor with a professional academic approach to drawing and painting. Commuting one day a week from Buffalo NY, I am now entering the third level of the program.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.