Carol E Maltby

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Carol E Maltby

United States

    Being a self taught artist, I have been drawing for as long as I can remember.  Starting with pencil and crayons, I graduated to pen and ink for a number of years.   Wanting to do color. I started using oil paints.  I used these for a number of years also starting to participate in local art shows. Having to find myself in a situation of needing to pick up and put down at a moments notice,  I made pen and ink my primary media.  People who seen my work, complained that there should be more color.  I never felt this way.  My pen and inks were complete in themselves.                                                                     At this time I tried colored pencil.  I've since been working and expermenting in this media.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.