Suzie has won several distinguished awards for her art, including:
Suzie is honored to be chosen as the Houston Safari Club’s 2019 Artist of the Year.
Aerial Reconnaissance – Barred Owl will be featured in the 58thSociety of Animal Artists Annual Exhibition.
Suzie’s painting Cliff Dwellers will be featured in 2018’s Birds in Art at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.
Two of Suzie’s paintings will be shown in the Artists for Conservation show in Canada for their 2018 show.
Suzie’s painting “Asleep in the Saddle” was purchased by The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum for their permanent
Birds In Art Collection.
Featured Acrylic Instructor for SKB Class in Dubois, WY 2017
In 2016 she was awarded the prestigious Rose Award by the Susan K. Black Foundation for her dedication
Mote Marine Volunteer – 15 years of excellent volunteer service award 2017
Society of Animal Artist Show 2016, and was included in the worldwide museum tour for a year.
Two person Museum show “Keeping the World Wild” at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute June-Aug 2016
Received Simon Combes Award for Conservation with John Seerey-Lester from AFC
Cover of International Artist Magazine, and story “Life on the Wild Side” October/November 2014
56thAnnual Exhibition for Society of Animal Artists
American Women Artist 2016 Spring Show for Associate Members.
Featured in the 12thAnnual Art Renewal Center Show
Featured Artist for the 23rdAnnual Southeast Invitational Miniature Art Show (2015)
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.