Nicholas O'Leary

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Nicholas O'Leary



Nicholas O’Leary (born in 1986 in Gisborne, New Zealand) has a degree in Architecture from the University of Auckland (2009). Since graduating he has lived and worked in Bergen, Norway, wher he can be found hiking in the mountains with his easel strapped to his backpack in often challenging conditions.

He has painted since childhood and has studied under many artists, most notably with Odd Nerdrum in Norway.

O’Leary works largely from life whereby the observation of previously unnoticed subtleties are prioritised. The recognition of which allow O’Leary to bend physical rules in his paintings and challenge our perceptions of truth and deception, reality and fantasy.

The accululation and manipulation of observations is not limited by a specific subject matter. He paints across the board, and has won international prizes in portraiture, figurative paintings, larger imaginative compositions, landscapes, cityscapes, and still lifes.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.