Carla D'aguanno

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Carla D'aguanno

United States

View ARC Gallery

It’s a wonder how all of us have a desire in our hearts or a gravitational pull you might say that sparks interest in something in life. That desire in our hearts gets stirred up within us whether we are still a child or an adult. For me, I can remember longing to draw and paint from a very young age. By the time I was ten years old, I knew I wanted to be an artists. After a long journey and several years later I feel that every kick is a boost, as my parents always told me. They were absolutely right! My years spent as an illustrator have molded and shaped me into the artists that has evolved today.

Some people have a job in life and it’s what they do from nine to five, as for me, the gift that I have been given is part of what I am. Without the motivation and will to paint, I would be lost. The need to create and express my interpretation of life on canvas was given to me and every other artist, I believe, for a reason. For me that reason is very simple. When I see a beautiful child or horse, or any of God’s creatures, I need to capture that beauty and present it on a canvas as true to itself as possible. It’s my way of saying, “Do you see the beauty in this child like I do, or can you see the majestic magnificence in this horse?” In my opinion, there is no artist greater than our Creator and it’s only through Him that I can see the vision o every image and have the skill to transfer it to canvas. For this gift I am eternally grateful.

My Passion for the pioneer days out West is also prevalent in my work. This probably comes from my love for the lifestyle of living in “The Little House On the Prairie.” I sometimes wish I were born back in those times when values in life were so treasured and honored. Their way of life seemed so uncomplicated. It is my hope that when people view my art, that I will being them back to a peaceful moment in time to reflect and appreciate the simple things in life and the beauty that was created in the world around them.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.