Stacy Barter

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Stacy Barter

United States

Stacy Barter's Oil Paintings depict her intense fascination with light and atmosphere. She is constantly striving to capture depth and dimension in her oil paintings, along with accuracy and light. Working from life, whether it's outside painting a landscape, or in studio, painting fresh flowers or working with a model is her true passion.

 In her 20 years as a full-time professional artist, Stacy has won many top awards in some of the most important organizations and exhibitions in the country and is part of entertainment/celebrity and museum collections. She also teaches and is on senior faculty at Crealde School of Art in Winter Park, Florida. You can view more of her work at

-2019 Winner of Best in 2D work at the Naples National Show

-2019 Selected for the upcoming Oil Painter's of America National Exhibition

- 2018 Artist’s Choice Award – Carmel Art Festival

- John R. Grambach Award for Artistic Excellence, American Artist’s Professional League

- 2017 Award of Distinction, Naples National Art Show

- 2017 Award of Excellence, Maitland Rotary Art Festival

- 2016 First Place, Carmel Art Festival

- 2016 First Place, Winter Park Paint Out Quick Draw

- Award of Excellence For Best Figurative, OPA Salon Show

- Best in Oil on Acrylic Award and Mayor’s Choice Award,
   Carmel Art Festival and Plein Aire Competition

- Two-time Winner for Best Floral, American Artist’s Professional League


- Best in Show $25,000 Award, Blossom-Art of Flowers, Museum  Exhibition/National Museum Tour

- Permanent collection Gulf Coast Museum of Art

- Best in Show Winner 76th Annual American Artists Professional League Grand National Exhibition, NYC

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.