Denise Antaya

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Denise Antaya


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Denise was born in Windsor, Ontario and now lives in Kingsville, Ontario. She can’t remember a time when she wasn’t drawing or painting. Antaya had her first serious art show when she was 14.


After a 31 year career in Advertising she decided to pursue her life long passion for painting landscapes on a full time basis.


For Antaya, every hour, every day and every season, brings its own personality and challenges to the landscape artist. Capturing the beauty and subtleties that nature provides is a never ending source of inspiration for her. A plein air painter has to capture the essence of place with the ever changing light, subtleties of colour, shape and shadows, only keeping what is necessary to tell the story. Nature is the finest teacher and if we study what she is trying to tell us the rewards are endless. Antaya strives to take the everyday scene that is often overlooked, and present it in a new light. If the artist can draw the viewer in, make them feel the warmth of the sunshine, the coolness of the shadows, the dancing of the light across the fields or the heaviness of the air with the impending storm, then she have succeeded. If she can make the audience feel the magic then this journey is all worth while.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.