Lyubena Fox (pronounced: [Lju:bena]) is born in 1994 in Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2013 she graduated from the National school of fine arts Bulgaria, specializing in illustration. The same year she moved to Florence, Italy to study painting with John M. Angel and in 2016 graduated from Angel Academy of Art Florence, after which she studied with Alessandro Dari. In 2017 she has two solo exhibitions in Sofia.In 2018 Lyubena has three of her paintings qualified as ARC finalists and later in May studies painting with her favourite contemporary painter Roberto Ferri. In September she wins a scholarship from the Art Renewal Center and in 2018 is a teacher in Angel Academy of Art Florence. In 2019 she becomes part of the International Guild of Realism.
Artist statement
My work opposes the fast-paced consumerism and stressed ways of the society nowadays. It pays its respect to art history and it shows how much we can learn from our past in order to live and create to our fullest now. My work suggests, in the way it’s painted, that you can also choose how paint/live your life accordingly to what you truly crave, despite what the current fashion is. The knowledge of the materials used and the chemical reactions towards their surroundings has been applied to create these works of art, which will last in time.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.