Daniel Myers

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Daniel Myers

United States

I now teach Portrait and Figure sculpture at the Quincy Art Association in Quincy, MA.

I received my training in sculpture at he Lyme Academy of Fine Arts in Old Lyme, Ct from teachers Dan Edwards, Don Gale, Pablo Eduardo, Anthony Antonio, and others.


My sculpture "Amazing Grace" was selected among 44 others in 2013 for the 80th Annual National Sculpture Society's exhibits in Tampa, FL and Brookgreen Gardens, SC. 


My Sculpture "Faith, Hope, and Love" was a finalist in ARC's 12th Annual Salon

My public sculpture is installed in the South Shore YMCA, the Emilson Gymnasium in Hanover, MA,  the Quincy Historical Society, the Children's Library, and the Quincy Veteran's Service building and the cemetery in Hardin, MO and recently in the Milton Art Museum. 

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.