Dominique Salvador

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Dominique Salvador


I am a french ecuadorian painter who was born and grew up in Quito, Ecuador. After attending the local french school, I studied art history and painting in the USA, at Boston University. After completing my degrees, i went back to Quito where I started painting portraits under commission, and I realized that I absolutely love the challenge of painting people, and being capable of representing their background,their reality, their personality, their energy, their soul through an image. During that time, I exhibited many times in my country and I also represented Ecuador at the Beijing biennale 2008, as well as at the exhibition Olympic fine Arts in the same city. In 2010, I exhibited my work at Opera Gallery Hong Kong, where I showed a series of paintings depicting homeless children of the world; wonderful and magic characters despite their social and economical situation. In 2011, I decided to live in Morocco where i started a series of paintings inspired in men of that country. After staying four years, i came back to Ecuador and I am now working again on commissions as well as on a new series of paintings inspired in Iraq, that I visited in 2017.
In the sensitive an fragile world we live in now, I started a project talking about humanity; about how beyond all our differences, we are all human beings. That is why, after visiting many refugee camps in Iraq, I started a series of paintings involving war refugees in a hope to sensitize the world about the urge of making a change, and about the importance of tolerance, peace, and love. ‘Soumaya’ is part of this new series of paintings.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.