Kathy Morris

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Kathy Morris

United States

Kathy Morris  b.1954   


Near the beginning of her painting career  while still a young school girl on the dusty flat plains of West Texas, young  Kathy Teal Morris demonstrated a maturity of feeling, depth of perception and mastery of technique in her art, which was immediately recognized by numerous seasoned artists as being exceptional.


Currently she has come to be known for her realism as objective, true to nature and emotionally controlled. One can observe in both her current and early work an enormous passion for how light or lack thereof, reveals the innermost worlds of her exquisite compositions and portraits.


This acute sensitivity to “the visual” speaks of her extraordinary ability to “observe & document the inherent complexities of the enormous detail therein. It was all fueled by a very unexpected life event when she was a very young child.


Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, Kathy Morris attributes the loss of the majority of her hearing as a toddler as being the most influential factor in her art. This consequence of high fevers forced her to become dependent on the visible world around her and be acutely observant and focused in order to hear and communicate.


Losing her hearing, Morris believes, was the genesis of her fascination with the human face and form and her obsession to "capture" it. Consequently, her work is centered upon portraiture and portraying the human figure. While conveying strength and emotion, Morris’ sensitive drawings and paintings are visual journals and expressions of gratitude inspired by real life experiences and interactions with her family and friends.


Morris painted commissioned portraits solely in watercolor for many years. Because of her passion of pursuing excellence and continually growing as an artist Morris  has attended workshops taught by masters of realism including David Kassan, David Gray and Sean Cheetham.


Morris’ work is the recipient of numerous international & national awards including:

  • Certificate of Excellence, at the 2018 PSOA International Competition
  • Best People Award at the NOAPS 2018  International Online Competition
  • Best in Show at SAAG 2018 National Juried Show
  • Finalist The Artists Magazine’s 2017 International Portrait Competition
  • Second Place and People’s Choice Award at The Marietta Cobb Museum of Art’s Metro Montage XVII
  • First Place, at the West Texas Watercolor Society’s Signature IV National Exhibition


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.