Diane Davich Craig

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Diane Davich Craig

United States


Diane is a realist painter residing in Nashville Tennessee. Diane has studied in workshops with Anthony Waichulis. Diane considers Anthony Waichulis as her mentor and primary inspiration.


The Artist Magazine award of First Prize in Still Life was her most memorable award. Other prizes she has received is Finalist with the International Artist Magazine, Finalist in Still Life with the National Portrait Society, Finalist in Artist Magazine for Still Life and Landscape, and Outstanding Still Life with Women Painters of the Southeast.


Diane has participated in a solo show at the Custom’s House Museum in Clarksville, TN, the group show Details at Robert Lange Studios, International Guild of Realism group shows at Principal Gallery, Winfield Gallery, Gallery 1261, Robert Lange Studios, Sugarman Peterson Gallery, Marshall Gallery, Tempe Fine Arts, and group shows with OPA, NOAPS and Women Painters of the Southeast, and a group show at Custom’s House Museum.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.