Mitchell Bagnas

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Mitchell Bagnas

United States

Born. (1995) I was raised in a small town in Northeast Pennsylvania. As a kid, I was never good at anything. School and sports just weren’t for me. However, I always found myself drawing things from my imagination. I didn’t even think I was good at it, I just enjoyed drawing as a creative outlet. Fast forward to middle school; I remember sitting in class and watching a fellow classmate draw a portrait of a man. At the time I thought it was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. After that, I started drawing a lot more. Then I would find myself drawing things from lifelike animals, people, and buildings. That was the start for my love for art. My parents saw that I was taking interest in art, so for birthdays and Christmas, I would always receive sketch pads and (how-to) draw books. Fast forward again to my high school years, I was still drawing a lot. At that point, my parents and teachers started asking me what I wanted to do in the future. All I knew is that I loved to draw and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. During this time I didn’t have too many friends, so in my spare time I would watch drawing videos on Youtube and do research on different artists. I loved looking at work from the Renaissance. I would tell myself all the time that I’d find a way to get to that level. So every day I would draw, and draw, and draw. As lame as it sounds drawing would help me come out of my shell. I would make new friends because people would take interest in what I was sketching. After high school, I enrolled myself into the local community college where I studied Painting & Illustration. My plan was to obtain my Associate's degree and attend a university soon after. However, after doing some research I couldn’t find a college that was going to teach me the things I wanted to learn. That’s when an instructor told me about a world-class painter who takes on apprentices. That is when I learned of Anthony Waichulis and the Ani Art Academy apprenticeship program. Without any hesitation, I applied and Anthony took me on as an apprentice. It is here that I hope to truly grow as an artist.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.