Koji Nishifusa

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Koji Nishifusa


I have liked drawing pictures ever since I was a kid.
I was always making cartoons like most children do.
I loved to imitate the characers of a famous artist at the time,Osamu Tezuka.
During high school, I practiced every day and night, honing my fundamental skills by using plaster figures,
in order to get into an art university.
When I was a sophomore in college, I learned about another inspirational artist, Tsunemasa Imuta for the first time.
I realized Imuta's presence in my life was much more influential than the European artist whom I had previosly
Then I joined "Kofu-Kai", which is an association of artists to which T.Imuta belonged.
I came face to face with Mr. Imuta, and was able to clearly observe and communicate about his works.
From then on, I know exactly what I needed to do with my own art in the future:
1. balancing the setups for my painting,
2. precisely drawing,
3. communicating with my audience through my pictures.
In recent years I'm trying to develop my own way away from Mr. Imuta.
I hope to creat my works, searching for the right direction where I shoud go.

Koji Nishifusa



* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.