Artist Statement
In my paintings I want to bring attention to the talented women who are engaged in unconventional work, repairing and operating steam engines or other heavy equipment. I strive to produce figurative paintings and portraits which describe the delicate beauty of women, contrasted by images of massive industrial machinery. I use some models in my work, but most of the women actually work on steam locomotives and vintage steam-driven farm equipment. When I began this series I was mainly interested in the juxtaposition of the elements and creating beautiful portraits, but after receiving many accolades and testimonials from the women workers, thanking me for highlighting their achievements, it became much more. I titled the series, "Silk And Steel," but they call themselves, "Ladies Of Steam."
“I know you have acquired many additional fans throughout your “Silk and Steel” collection, myself & friends included. I don’t feel I can thank you enough because this series touches an area that is pretty solid within me, and I’m not just saying this. My vision grew and efforts expanded towards “Ladies of Steam” for encouragement of women to feel that it’s OKAY to have that desire to be involved with this greasy and sooty stuff. Simply just recognizing them for their desires and efforts spread like wildfire across the globe (over 60 different countries to be technical), probably making positive impacts within the steam communities and likely the future of the hobby. Now, to see this concept go onto a whole new area in the fine arts category is unknown to me. These other ladies you have painted I not only see their desire for steam but I can feel their passion through your paintings. Really, no artist that I know of has ever done anything like it! When I look at any old or new steam engine artwork I see men operating and if women are present they are in dresses, indirectly involved. I have nothing against that it’s just you’ve stepped into doing something DIFFERENT that in my eyes makes a TRUE artist, painting where no one has painted before.” Nicole Muhl
“Lee Alban’s paintings are like food is to the body and as art is to the soul. It leaves your senses full but wanting to experience more” Teresa Bindel, Gallery Elite
“I was drawn to Lee’s works by how he is able to portray people interacting with technology in a realistic way. I was intrigued by the way in which he developed the reference photos with care for the setting, clothing, and models.” Jim Seale, Collector
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.