Albert Chen

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Albert Chen


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My art is intrinsically human related, because it is what inspire and interests me the most. My approach to the human form is not about its beauty but the conditions of being human and of its aspirations, happiness, sadness and shame. For me art and its meaning exists solely within the realm of the human society. Thus, I chose to follow these ideas in my art.


My interest in the human figure stared at very early age, when my mother brought back postcards from European museums after her business trip. At such a young age I was electrified to see the mastery of realism and how human form can be presented in such a way that is in every sense more real even the photos. They do not just capture the form and pose, they also capture a glimpse of life that inspires me and began my artistic pursuit of the human figure ever since.


Through out my education I have many good mentors but I have always regarded international abstraction at the time with scepticism. Therefore, I have invested a great deal of my private time studying human anatomy and perfecting my skills presenting it. The struggle between traditional realism and abstraction has given me a good training in theory and practice. I have successfully advanced and complete my education to the level of PhD.


I mostly use traditional clay modelling techniques, because it allows a great deal of construction freedom and infinite reworking of any given idea. I cast my work into resin/ fibreglass and then turn them into bronze later when the need arises.


Is the human figure in art a mere representation? The answer is patently no. It is a vehicle as well as a form of artistic language. Like music, poetry, animation and their sub genres, they carry our ideas in various different forms. History has proven its worth and endurance through the test of time. My aim is try to express the human tradition that captures the essence of our time.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.